அறம்போலும் கூர்மைய ரேனும் மரம்போல்வர்
மக்கட்பண்பு இல்லா தவர்
(Meaning: Even if a person possess sharp knowledge like sharp knife, if he does not posses 'human skills', he can be compared with 'wood'. )
In the past one decade the demand for soft skills or human skills have become more popular among corporate employees. Every HR Consultant started talking about this. The books written by Dale Carnegie and Stephen Covey have become top sellers. The human skills include good communication skills, listening, inter personal skills, etc.
Even two thousand years back Saint Thiruvalluvar gave importance to the 'human skills', which is now known as 'soft skills'.
SaintThiruvalluvar says that if a person, however intelligent he is, if he does not possess human skills, he could be compared only with 'wood'. He gives more emphasis that intelligence or knowledge without human skills is of no use. Two thousand years back, he has even given the tamil word 'Makkat panpu', which is the true and literal translation for 'human skills'.
In our daily life, we come across many brilliant and highly intelligent people in the corporate and other places, without soft skills. Probably, they assume that their knowledge is supreme. But they are not respected by the people due to their lack of human skills. At the same, we also come across many people with high level of knowledge, like Dr Abdul Kalam, former President of India, who possesses excellent 'human skills'. Those people are respected by the society.
Knowledge has no meaning without 'human skills'.
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